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Chem HelpDesk user guide for general public
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Most recent questions:
Case ID Title Published Date
00134 Please provide information on safe disposal of urea fertilizers. 30 January 2013
00296 Could you provide information on the dangers associated with the use of Ethylene Glycol? 30 November 2012
00002 Can you provide us with more information on the toxicity of fipronil? 24 August 2012
00242 What is the potential risk of inorganic arsenic poisoning? 13 January 2012
00246 Key considerations in formulation of regulations relating to lead acid battery management. 13 January 2012
00129 What are the most common routes of exposure to chemicals? 22 December 2011
00203 Why is rain sometimes black in color and what chemical parameters should be tested? 22 December 2011
00042 Which countries have already banned Chrysotile Asbestos? 3 October 2011
00044 What is the antidote for Carbamate poisoning? 3 October 2011
00046 What is the risk to consumers of acrylamide in food? 3 October 2011
00128 What are the credible sources of information on chemicals management useful to the SEAR countries? 29 July 2011
00126 Which countries use endosulfan? 4 July 2011
00124 How can the problem of heavy metal poisoning in humans be solved? 4 July 2011
00122 Experts in this region on Pesticide safety 4 July 2011
00079 Please provide safety information for the insecticide imidacloprid. 19 October 2010