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Chem HelpDesk user guide for general public
Chem HelpDesk's activities

The First Workshop of the users of Chem HelpDesk

Thursday 29th April 2010 | 8:30am - 4:30pm
Chulabhorn Research Institute, Bangkok, Thailand


One of the key activities scheduled for the first period of the project is a workshop with users of the Chem HelpDesk. The proposed users of the Chem HelpDesk are the focal points in the ministries of Health, Agriculture and Environment dealing with chemicals risk management in SEAR countries. There has been some difficulty in getting nominations of these users. It is therefore decided to held this workshop for the corresponding group in Thailand.

General Objectives: The overall objective of the workshop is to get feedback from the users and identify their needs.

Specific Objectives:

  • To identify priority chemicals
  • To identify priority concerns in chemical safety
  • To list ongoing chemical safety activities in Thailand
  • To identify knowledge gaps in the area of chemical safety and
  • To know the expectations of the potential users of the Chem HelpDesk.

List of Participants

Outside organizations
No. Organization Department Ministry/University Website No. of persons
1. WHO Representative to Thailand http://www.who.int/countries/tha/en/
2. Agricultural Production Science Research and Development Office Department of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives http://as.doa.go.th/apsrdo/ 1
3. The Office of Agriculture Regulation Department of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives http://as.doa.go.th/ard/index.php 3
4. Plant Protection Research and Development Office Department of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives 2
5. Division of Cosmetics and Hazardous Substances Department of Medical Sciences Ministry of Public Health http://www.dmsc.moph.go.th/webroot/cosmetics/main_index.htm 2
6. Bureau of Quality and Safety of Food Department of Medical Sciences Ministry of Public Health http://www.dmsc.moph.go.th/webroot/BQSF/IndexMain.htm 2
7. Bureau of Drug and Narcotic Department of Medical Sciences Ministry of Public Health http://www.dmsc.moph.go.th/webroot/drug/index.stm 2
8. The National Institute of Health Department of Medical Sciences Ministry of Public Health http://www.dmsc.moph.go.th/webroot/nih/web/function/toxicology.html 1
9. Bureau of Occupational and Environmental Diseases Department of Disease Control Ministry of Public Health http://www.envocc.org/html/index.php 1
10. Integrated Program on Chemical Safety; IPCS Food and Drug Administration Ministry of Public Health http://ipcs.fda.moph.go.th/csnetNEW/ 1
11. Bureau of Environmental Health Department of Health Ministry of Public Health 2
12. Waste and Hazardous Substance Management Bureau Pollution Control Department Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment http://www.pcd.go.th/about/divisionthai.htm#div2 -
13. Environmental Research and Training Centre Department of Environmental Quality Promotion; DEQP Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment http://www.ertc.deqp.go.th/ertc/index.php 3
14. Hazardous Substances Control Bureau Department of Industrial Works Ministry of Industry http://www2.diw.go.th/haz/index.asp 3
15. Industrial Waste Management Bureau Department of Industrial Works Ministry of Industry http://www2.diw.go.th/iwmb/structure.asp 1
16. Safety Technology Bureau Department of Industrial Works Ministry of Industry http://www2.diw.go.th/safety/ 2
17. Information Technology and Communication Bureau Department of Industrial Works Ministry of Industry http://www2.diw.go.th/inf/ 3
18. Treaties and International Strategies Bureau Department of Industrial Works Ministry of Industry http://www2.diw.go.th/treaty/index.asp 2
19. Ramathibodi Poison Center Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital Mahidol University http://www2.ra.mahidol.ac.th/poisoncenter/ 2
20. Siriraj Poison Control Center Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital Mahidol University http://www.si.mahidol.ac.th/Th/division/shtc/ 1
21. Occupational Health Division Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital Mahidol University http://www.si.mahidol.ac.th/Th/division/ophs/ 3
22. Center of Excellence for Environmental and Hazardous Waste Management; EHWM Chulalongkorn University http://www.ehwm.chula.ac.th/
Total 43

CRI officers
No. Type of participants No. of persons
1. Vice president for research 1
2. Academic support 8
3. Chem HelpDesk IT support 2
4. IT support (group discussion) 6
5. PR and food staff 6
6. Internet and audio visual staff 2
Total 25

Total: 68 persons


No. Title File
1. Agenda 01_2010_04_29th_agenda_eng_thai.pdf
2. Chem HelpDesk's presentation 02_2010_04_29th_chem_helpdesk_presentation.pdf
3. Website's presentation of Chem HelpDesk 03_2010_04_29th_chem_helpdesk_website_presentation.pdf
4. User Guide-Registered Users 04_2010_04_29th_user_guide_registered_user.pdf
6. Group discussion 06_2010_04_29th_group_discussion.pdf
7. The first workshop report 07_2010_04_29th_the_first_workshop_report.pdf

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